Sunday, April 22, 2012

Does personality reflect in your shoes? That is a good question. If you ask me I would say yes your personality is reflected in your shoes. One reason I say that is because you picked out the shoe that caught your attention. You wouldn’t pay for something that you didn’t care for. The way a person takes care of their shoes says a lot about personality as well. I believe that a person who takes care of their shoes are usually nice and organized and cares about their appearance. A person who dogs their shoes out to me I would view them as messy individuals who don’t care about their appearance. Taking care of your shoes will make them last so much longer than just being rough and when they get dirty not wiping them off.

A person who has on the shoes shown below I would think they are a fun and energetic person.

A person who has on the shoes shown below I would think they are about their business.

A person who has on the shoes show below I would think they do not care about their appearance and are probably not the most organized person.